Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Happy One Month Robby!

Where did July go?!!! I can't believe how fast the summer is going by and I feel that since Robby came just one month ago, it has sped up the process! So here are photos from July of our family and a little of what we've done since Robby was born.
My family (Mom, sisters Elizabeth and Rebecca, brother Don and my Dad) was able to come from San Antonio and while they were here for ten days after I had Robby we did some fun things! We all took a trip to Wingaersheek Beach, a trip to Chuckie Cheese enjoyed the new, little edition to our family immensely! It was wonderful to have them and they helped me SO much with the baby, food, Jacob and Madeleine......ah! Thank heaven for family!
Since they have left we were thrown right back into a resident's family life with three kids and Matt's busy schedule. Fortunately, my healing has overall gone very well...I am now a month out and exercising and going, going, going with three kids. I really believe this has helped with my recovery, physically emotionally etc. I am feeling GREAT now.
When I took all my kids to the grocery store and then to Target the first week I was alone and MADE it I thought, "Okay! I can do this!"
Madeleine and Jacob celebrated their birthdays in July and so Jacob is now 5 and Madeleine 3. Robby is one month and doing very very well. He is a really sweet, good little guy who wakes up a couple of times in the night, but then goes back to sleep pretty well. So my sleep is broken, but still SLEEP!
So all in all we are happy and well, anxious for this residency to be over, but enjoying our time here in Boston so much.
So thank goodness for family, friends and thank heaven for little boys, I say!

1 comment:

Lisa Mitchell said...

Matt & Susanna, CONGRATS on your new little - or not so little now - addition to the Steuer family! He's adorable and going to be so blessed having you two as his parents! COngrats! (P.S., I got married July 16, 2011 ... to a convert.....)